
Our vision is to provide optimal health outcomes by truly knowing our patients and using treatment modalities most aligned with who they are and the health goals they seek to achieve.


Our mission is to create an integrative medical practice dedicated to providing a wide range of safe and effective treatments, both traditional and alternative.

“We take pride in being your advocate and establishing a long-term relationship to stay by your side in your health journey.”Dr. Philip Wazny
Respect – Connection – Empathy – Positivity – Teamwork

We at Health Matters, together as a team, chose five core values that we strive to embody everyday. They are Positivity, Respect, Connection, Empathy, and Teamwork. By focusing on what we are grateful for, we create an environment of positivity. We seek lasting relationships with our patients built on a foundation of respect, connection, and empathy, and with teamwork, our goal is to bring you the best patient care and customer service.


We are open-minded and believe there are a number of approaches available to improve patient health.

We love what we do and consider our work an opportunity to express the best of who we are.

We love life and believe it is a gift worth preserving.

We take care of ourselves and set an example to others of what a healthy lifestyle can create.

We are open to always learning more and believe there are many solutions to any given problem.

We seek to achieve a healthy balance between our work, our family life, and our personal interests.

We believe every patient is unique, and we seek to find the treatments best suited to our patients’ specific needs.

We listen carefully and communicate in a positive and open way with those with whom we interact.

We are happy and optimistic by nature. We learn from our mistakes and move forward better off for what we have experienced.

We believe experience and intuition have value and choose to combine our natural instincts with scientific medical practices to achieve the best possible health care outcomes.