EVO Laser
With Italian engineered performance technology at its core, the lasers of the EVO Series offer many benefits. Treatments with EVO lasers are faster due to the ultra-fast start-up times and wide laser-beam spot sizes. The hand-pieces are specifically designed to deliver even and highly precise coverage to reduce discomfort during treatment and improve skin healing.
For All Skin Types
1-2 Treatments
No Downtime
Is an EVO laser treatment right for me?
EVO Series lasers are engineered to deliver a wide range of treatments safely for all skin types.These lasers can erase pigmentation of varying size, shape and color because of the larger spot sizes and energy wavelengths available. The EVO has a narrow laser hand-piece delivers energy ideal for leg veins. Unlike other lasers out there, the EVO is able to close small telangiectasias on the nose, as well as larger vessels found on legs and other parts of the body.
Will my EVO treatment hurt?
The EVO Series has a number of design features that improve comfort as well as reduce recovery time. EVO has state of the art cooling technology to minimize discomfort and support healing.
What do I need to know before my treatment?
No direct sun for two weeks prior to treatment to maximize results. Most veins can be closed in a single treatment. The physician will discuss if more treatments are appropriate for you during your consultation. Once a vein has closed it initially resembles a bruise. Will take a few weeks for the closed vein to completely resolve and no longer be noticeable on your skin.
Before/After Photos